Hello Fresh Subscription Box Fifth Delivery & Giveaway

Ingredients for Coconut Shrimp Satay with Shaved Carrot & Cucumber Salad

Recipe Results

Ingredients for Argentine Spiced Steak with Couscous Salad & Cilantro Scallion Chimichurri 

Recipe Results 

Ingredients for Creamy Pea & Asparagus Risotto with Goat Cheese, Walnuts & Mint

Recipe Results

This is a review of the fifth box we have received from a subscription box company called Hello Fresh which costs $69 a week. Out of the three dishes our favorite was the Argentine Spiced Steak followed by the Creamy Pea & Asparagus Risotto and last place goes to the Coconut Shrimp Satay.

Coconut Shrimp Satay with Shaved Carrot & Cucumber Salad

This dish was so so, it certainly didn't live up to my expectations. The carrot & cucumber salad I had to force myself to eat since I didn't care for the texture of the shaved vegetables and the dressing wasn't tasty. The dressing was composed of only mint, sugar, white wine vinegar, salt and pepper. I try to avoid sugar so that isn't a recipe I would repeat even if it was tasty. The texture of the shrimp wasn't great, I don't know what happened to them during baking. They would have tasted much better cooked in a pan. The coconut milk, sriracha, peanut butter, soy sauce, sugar & garlic coating on top of the shrimp wasn't that tasty and in fact a bit strange. I was glad to see they sent us a can of coconut milk rather than powdered coconut milk. 

Argentine Spiced Steak with Couscous Salad & Cilantro Scallion Chimichurri 

This was a very enjoyable meal that was very filling. I could have saved some of the salad for a light lunch the next day, but I was hungry and decided not to.  It was time consuming to eat with so much uncooked spinach to chew. Hubby cooked the steak perfectly and he said the couscous was very easy to cook. This was a very summery meal to me with the cool salad and warm steak. I would have prefer the spinach cooked if it's mixed with the hot couscous or the couscous served separately since I prefer to eat it warm. It was a nice light yet filling meal that was easy on my stomach. Sadly, most of the cilantro that arrived had gone bad. I tried to save what I could when it arrived, pulling out the bad parts but most of it couldn't be saved.

Creamy Pea & Asparagus Risotto with Goat Cheese, Walnuts & Mint

Since this is a vegetarian dish, I was going to make it for my lunches and not serve to Hubby who isn't a fan of dishes without meat. I waited over a week to make this dish and everything was still fairly fresh which was great. This is an extremely time consuming dish in which you have to stand at the store for at least thirty minutes stirring it non stop! Wow, that was a lot of work! It was really delicious though, so was it worth it? Maybe if you are in the mood to stand for thirty minutes and fuss over your dish, but certainly in the evening after a long day on your feet! The only change to the dish I would make is to  sprinkle more goat cheese on top and less mixed in with the other ingredients. It was a very generous portion and nice and filling.

Check out what we received in our previous Hello Fresh boxes:

I also reviewed Blue Apron, Home Chef & Plated which are similar food subscription boxes. So check those out before you leave and don't forget to claim your Free Graze Box and enter my Blue Apron Giveaway:

Blue Apron has provided me with another free subscription box worth $59.94 to give away. Congratulations to Alison, Tina, Amy, Samantha, Candie, Callie & Sharon who won the last seven! Tina you have forgotten to claim yours. Blue Apron will send the winner one shipment that includes all the ingredients for three recipes for two people for a total of six servings. To enter the giveaway, use the Rafflecopter form above. The winner must be over 18 years old, a new Blue Apron customer, provide me with their name and email address to give to Blue Apron, provide Blue Apron their credit card number in case they want to continue with the service past the first box and live in the US. The states they do not ship to are: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota & Texas. To cancel future shipments is easy since it can be done right on their website under "Delivery Schedule".

What do you think of my recipe results? 

Bargain Alert - Hello Fresh - $40 off your first box, use coupon code "YVWF79". 
                         Plated - $30 off your 1st box from Plated, click here
                        Home Chef - $30 off your 1st box, click here.

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Have a PEACEful Day!

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