Citrus Skillet Shrimp with Green Olives, Poblano & Crispy Potatoes
Recipe Results

Fregula Sarda & Sweet Italian Sausage with Wilted Spinach & Baby Portobellos
Recipe Results

Wasabi-Glazed Steak with Soba Noddle Salad & Creamy Avocado Lime Dressing
Recipe Results

This is a review of the 3rd box we have received from Hello Fresh which is a weekly food subscription box for $69. This week our favorite dish was the Fregula Sarda & Sweet Italian Sausage followed by a close second place for the Citrus Skillet Shrimp & third place goes to the Wasabi Glazed Steak.
Citrus Skillet Shrimp with Green Olives, Poblano & Crispy Potatoes
I always enjoy receiving seafood in these boxes and this dish was very yummy. Dishes with citrus always amaze me with their flavor. Who would have thought orange juice would taste good with shrimp! The vegetables would have been better cooked a bit less and the olives seemed kind of odd in this dish, other than that it was really good. This dish came in at only 487 calories and they sent us 10 oz of shrimp.
Fregula Sarda & Sweet Italian Sausage with Wilted Spinach & Baby Portobellos
This is the dish we thought we would like the most out of the three and it's what enticed me to order this week's box. We love Italian sausage both the sweet and the spicy types from Whole Foods. It's really good for a weekend breakfast! This recipe is a lot like Italian Wedding soup but without the broth which is perfect for me since soup hasn't look appetizing to me since I had pneumonia a year ago. This is the ultimate comfort food yet nutritious and it only had 650 calories. At first glance three pieces of sausage didn't seem like enough, but at 9 oz and served with all the other ingredients it was the perfect amount of food and hubby and I were very happy with this meal. This was our favorite dish!
Wasabi-Glazed Steak with Soba Noddle Salad & Creamy Avocado Lime Dressing
This dish looked really exciting since we love wasabi but it landed up not being our favorite. Perhaps it would have better if the avocado was ripe, ours was very hard and needed a few more days to ripen which made it very difficult to mash. The recipe suggested serving the noodles cold, but we didn't since we prefer our noodles warm. The steak was very good and it was a good serving at twelve ounces. This dish had 658 calories.
This was a really enjoyable week of recipes for us. While the plated dishes above don't look as fancy as the competitors, they are delicious. When I started subscribing to these boxes Plated was in first place followed by Blue Apron and Hello Fresh was in last place. Then after a month of subscribing Blue Apron was in first place followed by Hello Fresh and then Plated moved to last place. After another month Hello Fresh landed up in first place followed by Blue Apron, then Plated. If you like dishes that require less prep time cleaning and chopping produce and ingredients you recognize then Hello Fresh is perfect for you. I received my 4th box this week and will review it soon, so stay tuned. I will also receive my 1st Home Chef box next week so stay tuned for that review also.
Check out what we received in our previous Hello Fresh boxes:
I also reviewed Blue Apron & Plated which are similar food subscription boxes. So check those out before you leave and don't forget to claim your Free Graze Box and enter my Blue Apron Giveaway. What do you think of my recipe results?
Bargain Alert - Hello Fresh - $40 off your first box, use coupon code "YVWF79".
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