Hello Fresh Food Subscription Box Review - Part 1

Ingredients for Ginger Beef Stir-Fry

Recipe Results 

This is the first recipe of the three we received from Hello Fresh. They are a food subscription service in which they ship to your door all the ingredients needed for three recipes weekly for $11.50 a plate. This was a pretty easy recipe to follow and quite a quick one to make at about twenty-five minutes. This is definitely a good week night recipe because prep time is limited and it cooks quickly. It was very tasty and reminded me of a dish my Mum served us when I was young. It's a recipe Hubby & I plan to try again, but we will use regular rice rather than the basmati rice Hello Fresh provided us. We didn't care for it's texture. We will have to find Hoisin Sauce in the grocery store since that's not something I have purchased before. Hopefully our local grocery store carries it since I haven't found an Asian market in our new location yet.  Stay tuned for the other two dishes we will be making from Hello Fresh:

Shrimp & Tomato Farrotto
Skillet Chicken Paprikash

Also, before you go check out my reviews of Blue Apron and Plated, Hello Fresh's competitors. Have you tried out one of these subscription boxes before? What's your opinion on them?

Bargain Alert - $40 off your 1st box with code "YVWF79"

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