Bad Boys for Life Movie Review - February 2020

Bad Boys For Life
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 


Will Smith as Mike Lowrey
Martin Lawrence as Marcus Burnett
Paola Nuñez as Rita
Kate del Castillo as Isabel
Joe Pantoliano as Captain Howard
Jacob Scipio as Armando
Alexander Ludwig as Dorn
Charles Melton as Rafe

I'm a fan of Will Smith and the Bad Boys movies so I really wanted to see Bad Boys for Life in the theatre. Some parts of the movie were what I expected and other parts were slow and boring. It started with one of my favorite scenes and ended with one of my favorites. After the first scene, the two main characters weren't shown for quite a while. The movie is just over two hours long and the setup scenes are where they should have shortened it. They took too long to set up the plot which was disappointing. Check out the trailer:

Martin took awhile to get into to character and his character changed a bit. Comedy was quite limited in this one which was surprising and disappointing. A key character is almost murdered, one dies and there's a funeral all scenes which had no entertainment value. I would have preferred that they had skipped those parts and added some comedy instead. In the middle, there were parts that were limited to violence and lacked excitement. There were a couple of chase scenes and a helicopter scene that was fun and exciting. The helicopter scene was too short. Don't blink or get distracted by a rude audience member because you'll miss it. One of the last scenes was the longest and it had the most fun and exciting action. The cherry on the top was retribution. The movie ended with a perfect set up for a sequel which I found surprising since they took so many years to come out with this one. I don't appreciate the tease, odds are it won't be made or they'll wait until Will is too old for action and replace him.

I'm torn between giving this movie three or four out of five stars. It was supposed to have come out three years ago, so for that reason and due to the lack of comedy, I decided on three stars. Here's some true Will Smith comedy to watch on his YouTube channel:

If you're a fan of Will and Martin go out and see it in the theatre, you'll enjoy it if you know there are a few slow parts and comedy is limited. I recommend watching it on DVD and on-demand for all others.

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