Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Movie Review - August 2019

Hobbs & Shaw Movie
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Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs
Jason Statham as Deckard Shaw
Vanessa Kirby as Hattie
Idris Elba as Brixton
Ryan Reynolds as CIA agent Locke
Kevin Hart as Air Marshall Dinkely
Helen Mirren as Shaw's Mother

Since I'm a big fan of Dwayne Johnson and since I love the Fast & Furious movies, I had to go see the latest edition, Hobbs & Shaw. Unfortunately, it was a letdown, the plot was weak, there were too many fistfights and not enough chase scenes. My favorite part of the Fast & Furious movies are the exciting chase scenes. So when I was sitting there watching this movie I kept waiting for more chase scenes instead I was watching fistfight after fistfight and finding myself daydreaming. In addition, there were too many scenes of Hobbs and Shaw hating each other and trying too hard to be funny. The audience didn't laugh. There were a few scenes in which Ryan Reynolds and Kevin Hart were funny, but that was it. Check out the trailer:

There was only one exciting chase scene in the middle (shown 1st in the trailer) and two really exciting scenes at the end (shown in the middle and end of the trailer) that were memorable. My favorite action scene was the helicopter scene towards the end. This movie is two hours and seventeen minutes long emphasis on long. It's in serious need of editing. They need to cut many of the fistfight scenes, add some chase scenes and shorten its length to keep boredom at bay. They also tried to force chemistry between Johnson and Kirby which they should have just skipped. There was no need for a romance in this movie which they didn't commit to anyway, so just edit out those few scenes. I'm not a fan of robots in movies, so altering Brixton into a cyber-genetically enhanced villain didn't impress me. So many of his non-action scenes should have hit the cutting room floor. "We're saving the world" was used too often, it made the lack of a decent plot even more evident and the repetition of this phrase became irritating. It's rated PG-13, it has similar violence and strong language as the previous Fast & Furious movies had.

In conclusion, I recommend seeing this movie if you are a fan of Dwayne Johnson or Jason Stratham but don't put it at the top of your must-see list. Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Hart, and Helen Mirren have very small parts, so it's not worth seeing only if you're a fan of them. It's worthy of the theatre due to the action scenes and sound, not for the overall entertainment. If you have a good surround sound system and an HDTV at home you may just want to wait until it comes out on DVD and on-demand. You may find yourself hitting the fast forward button frequently. The three action scenes I mentioned earlier you'll find yourself rewatching.

Next on my list is Once Upon a Time in Hollywood though I fear this may be a movie I would find too silly. Since Quentin Tarantino is behind it and Leonardo DiCaprio is starring in it, I'll try to see it soon. What movies have you seen lately that you found worthy of the theatre? Be sure to check out my other movie reviews before you go. Just scroll to the menu up top and chose movie reviews.

Have a PEACEful Day!


Terra Heck said...

I like Dwayne Johnson but will probably skip out on this one. I like adventure movies but don't like the fight or action scenes to be drawn out.

Fast and Furious 9 said...

Mi się ten film spodobał, ale i tak nie mogę się doczekać filmu Szybcy i wściekli 9, mam nadzieje, że tylko premiery znów nie przełożą