Alita: Battle Angel
Rosa Salazar as Alita
Keean Johnson as Hugo
Christoph Waltz as Dr. Dyson Ido
Jennifer Connelly as Chiren
Mahershala Ali as Vector
Edward Norton as Nova
Producer James Cameron
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Science Fiction fans get in your car and make your way to your nearest movie theatre to watch Alita in 3D now! Hubby who is a sci-fi fan gives it five out of five stars. I on other hand am not a sci-fi fan and I give it three stars. I found the battle scenes boring and I found the murder of a dog upsetting. I closed my eyes during that scene only to open them to see her applying the dog's blood under her eyes. I'm so tired of movies showing the abuse of animals, it's unnecessary and awful. This movie is visually entertaining so it is best seen on the big screen and if can afford the 3D price tag see it in 3D. The showing that was convenient for us wasn't in 3D so now Hubby wants to see it again in 3D. After mentioning what movie the ending reminded me of Hubby said that's because the producer is James Cameron and he did that movie too. I can't tell you the specifics without spoiling it, but once you see it you'll immediately know which fabulous movie I'm referring to. Many people aren't fond of the ending. Take a quick look at the trailer:
The main character, Alita, is animated along with the other robots which have actors' faces. Alita is very real looking, they did a wonderful job of animating her, she is very expressive. The robots are interesting to look at, it's just that the fight scenes were too long. The plot is interesting but not very complex and the ending scene with Ed Norton makes it clear there will be a sequel. I think I'll enjoy the sequel more since Ed Norton will have a larger part. The only actor in this movie besides him I'm familiar with is Jennifer Connelly and I think she's overrated, I'm not a fan. This movie really needs some more star power though I really like the Dr. Ido and Hugo characters.
In conclusion, if you are Sci-Fi fan or a fan of graphic novels odds are you will love this movie. In order to more easily escape into a false reality, you'll want to see it in the theatre and preferably in 3D. Note that many theatres are no longer letting you keep the 3D glasses and they are reusing them. I'm not sure if they sanitize them or if they do how well so you may want to bring a sanitizing wipe with you in a Ziploc especially during flu season! Keep in mind part of this movie is a story of romance and there are a few sappy parts, and the cyborg Alita is very emotional especially featured in the ending. Alita is 2 hours and 2 minutes long and it was released on February 14th. What movies have you seen lately in the theatre? Stay tuned for my review of What Men Want. If you saw Alita, what did you think? Comment below! Be sure to check out my other movie reviews listed on my Movie Reviews Pinterest Board.
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