Giveaway & Green Blender 2nd Delivery Review

Green Almond Zest

Ingredients (click on photos to enlarge)

Orange Amla Colada


Strawberry Custard


Cilantro Citrus Cantaloupe


Sweet & Sour Beet


This is a review of our 2nd delivery from a weekly, organic food subscription box called Green Blender for $49. It includes five recipes and all the necessary ingredients to make two servings of five different smoothies. Save $20 a month by paying for four boxes (1 month) in advance for $176. Save $120 by paying for twelve boxes (3 months) in advance for $468. Price per smoothie ranges from $3.90 to $4.90 depending on which of the three plans you subscribe to. Out of the five recipes I gave one recipe four out of five stars, three recipes three out of five stars and one recipe one star. Calories ranged from 74-275. I used our Vitamix for some of them and the rest I used our new Blendtec that just arrived. Our Vitamix is acting up again and the warranty doesn't cover it's current issue. I highly recommend the Blendtec over the Vitamix, it's works so much faster and no need to use a tamper!

Green Almond Zest

I gave this recipe three out of five stars. It featured spinach, apple rhubarb, green almonds, almonds and hemp seeds. It mostly tasted like apple. I had never seen green almonds before and they were quite interesting. I had wished I had tasted the rhubarb, but I didn't. This recipe offers energy, immune boosting and it's low in calories. It had 110 calories.

Orange Amla Colada

I gave this recipe three out of five stars. It included collard greens, banana, orange, pineapple, shredded coconut and amia berry. It had a strong banana flavor with a slight taste of the pineapple or orange. It offers immune boosting and beauty benefits and it's low in calories at 147.

Strawberry Custard

We gave this recipe three out of five stars. It included yellow squash, strawberries, cashews, oats, cinnamon, goji berries and rice milk. It tasted mostly like strawberries and it really needed some honey since it wasn't very sweet. It offers energy, beauty and calming properties. 

Cilantro Citrus Cantaloupe

I gave this recipe four out of five stars, it was my favorite recipe for the week. I really enjoyed the strong flavor of the pear and cilantro. It had swiss chard, cantaloupe, pear, cilantro, lime and chia seeds. It offers detox, immune boosting and it's low in calories coming in at only 74 calories. Wow, so yummy and yet so low in calories!

Sweet & Sour Beet

I put this recipe off till last since I really dislike beets. As I suspected, I really disliked this smoothie and gave it only one out of five stars though I still drank it all since I don't like to waste food. It had beets, grapes, kumquats, ginger, maqui berry and walnuts. The beets were bitter and it needed sweeter. It offers detox, immune boosting and beauty benefits. Note that beets will make your urine a beet color which can be disturbing if you don't know in advance that will happen. It had 165 calories.

It was another enjoyable week of smoothies except for one. I'm enjoying this service so much that I changed from the Fresh Start Plan (weekly payments) to the Monthly Challenge Plan (pay for four boxes in advance). I'm saving $20 by switching to the Monthly Challenge Plan. The next box includes the following smoothies:
  1. Rambutan Lavender Lemonade
  2. Pineapple Charcoal Detox
  3. Green Garbanzo
  4. Key Lime Pie
  5. Creamy Orange Rhubarb
Stay tuned for my next review! I have also reviewed Blue ApronGreen ChefHello FreshHome ChefPlated, Sun Basket and Terra's Kitchen. Be sure to check out my reviews before you leave. Stay tuned for my review of Marley Spoon. Now it's time for another GIVEAWAY:

The winner must be over 18 years old, have never subscribed to Green Blender, provide me with their name and email address to give to Green Blender, provide Green Blender their credit card number in case they want to continue with the service past the first box and live in the following areas: most parts of Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Connecticut, California, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Vermont, Washington DC, Wisconsin, West Virginia. Winner will be sent an email from Green Blender and simply need to click on the link to redeem their free Green Blender box online. To cancel future shipments, email them ( or to skip future shipments select account, then delivery schedule, click on send to change it to "skip". The box is shipped via FedEx and arrives at your doorstep on Thursday.
Bargain Alert - 20% off your 1st box "GREEN20"

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Have a PEACEful Day!


Unknown said...

That looks like a great way to try new p, healthy smoothie recipes!

Mary Crosson said...

Haven't tried one before, but I've been sorely tempted! Green Blender looks interesting, although the price is a little off-putting and I'm not sure I'd really consume all those smoothies after the novelty wore off. Thinking seriously about trying to find a friend or neighbor to share a subscription with, though.

Anonymous said...

I am interested is giving these guys a try but im worried about shipping. I live in Tennessee so I'm concerned about package arriving in good condition. How is it shipped? Does it arrive cold with ice packs via Fedex or UPS? Yes, they ship to my location but how can I know the fruits and veggies wont arrive hot and like mush? With produce this is a big concern when shipping. Any info on this would help with my decision.

Anonymous said...

I am interested is giving these guys a try but im worried about shipping. I live in Tennessee so I'm concerned about package arriving in good condition. How is it shipped? Does it arrive cold with ice packs via Fedex or UPS? Yes, they ship to my location but how can I know the fruits and veggies wont arrive hot and like mush? With produce this is a big concern when shipping. Any info on this would help with my decision.

Anonymous said...

I am interested is giving these guys a try but im worried about shipping. I live in Tennessee so I'm concerned about package arriving in good condition. How is it shipped? Does it arrive cold with ice packs via Fedex or UPS? Yes, they ship to my location but how can I know the fruits and veggies wont arrive hot and like mush? With produce this is a big concern when shipping. Any info on this would help with my decision.

Baby Mama said...

I just tried Terra kitchen. It was so good!

Wendy Webster said...

It's shipped in a cardboard box with 2 ice packs and wrapped in a bubble wrap foil bag. It's sent from NYC via FedEx and it arrives on Thursdays. This is what they state on their website: "What do I do if my box is missing/has a damaged ingredient? Please contact and we will make things right. If your ingredient is damaged, please include a photo to help us fully understand the issue." I haven't had any issues with shipping and I just received my 4th box and I'm in NC.

ET Pruitt said...

I haven't tried a food subscription box.

vossta said...

yes i tried Sunshine box and loved it, I really like the smoothie box it would make it so much easier and fresh ingredients.

Anonymous said...

I have tried plated and I LOVED it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a regular subscriber to Blue Apron.

Kate B said...

I've tried hello fresh and home chef. Loved them both.

Wendy Webster said...

Congratulations, Brittany, you won! Please search your gmail for an email from Green Blender. Click on the link to redeem your free box and let us know how you like the service! Enjoy! :)

Wendy Webster said...

Sorry you didn't win the Green Blender giveaway, Alycia. Drop by and enter my latest giveaway, $72 Plated Food Subscription Box @ Good Luck!

Wendy Webster said...

Sorry you didn't win the Green Blender giveaway, Marty. Drop by and enter my latest giveaway, $72 Plated Food Subscription Box @ Good Luck!

Wendy Webster said...

Sorry you didn't win the Green Blender giveaway, Jason. Drop by and enter my latest giveaway, $72 Plated Food Subscription Box @ Good Luck!

Wendy Webster said...

Sorry you didn't win the Green Blender giveaway, Sarah. Drop by and enter my latest giveaway, $72 Plated Food Subscription Box @ Good Luck!

Wendy Webster said...

Sorry you didn't win the Green Blender giveaway, Kate. Drop by and enter my latest giveaway, $72 Plated Food Subscription Box @ Good Luck!

Wendy Webster said...

Sorry you didn't win the Green Blender giveaway. Drop by and enter my latest giveaway, $72 Plated Food Subscription Box @ Good Luck!

Wendy Webster said...

Sorry you didn't win the Green Blender giveaway, Annamarie. Drop by and enter my latest giveaway, $72 Plated Food Subscription Box @ Good Luck!

Wendy Webster said...

Sorry you didn't win the Green Blender giveaway. Drop by and enter my latest giveaway, $72 Plated Food Subscription Box @ Good Luck!