Cheers to Capri 3-Wick Candle, Raspberry Peach Macaron 3-Wick Candle, Lemon Drops Mini Candle, Cinnamon Sugared Doughnut Mini Candle, Bubble Gum Mini Candle & Ceramic Pedestal Mini Candle Holder with Glass Dome Lid
Twisted Peppermint Wallflower, London Calling 3-Wick Candles, Watermelon Lemonade Wallflower, American Boardwalk 3-Wick Candle, Leaves 3-Wick Candle, Cinnamon Sugared Doughnut 3-Wick Candles
Some one has been shopping at Bath & Body Works a lot lately! Oh, my! Usually I don't purchase much of their Spring collection, since I prefer their Fall & Winter scents. But they brought back London Calling which is one of my top five favorites! So they won me back for Spring and I decided to go ahead and risk it and buy some other scents that intrigued me. I quickly decided I also liked the Cinnamon Sugared Doughnut candle. When I bought the first one I learned from the cashier that it had been gone for two years and it's a very popular and hoarded candle. Well I thought, ok I'll give it a try and here I am collecting them myself a few weeks later. If you love that scent you may want to stock up when it's on sale cause they have already sold out online once. I really wanted to love American Boardwalk, but hubby said he couldn't stand it because it was giving him a headache and to extinguish it. Leaves is on my top five favorite list also. That was my second recent haul. I shopped online during a sale and used coupons so the candles only cost $9.37 and the wallflowers cost $2.25 each. In addition I used Mr. Rebates for an additional 3% back.
My third haul included the Red Velvet Cupcake 3-Wick Candle which I have multiples of, it's a favorite for sure. Then I decided to purchase the Watermelon Lemonade 3-Wick Candle since ladies on Facebook at the Bath & Body Works Junkies Group were raving about it. It does smell better while burning versus when it's not. It's nice, but not something I would buy multiples of. Then I picked up the 3-Wick Metal Candle Pedestal. It looks much better in person when a candle is sitting on top of it. It looked cheap to me on their website. It's really cute in person! I had called around searching for the white ceramic version and when I finally found one they wouldn't hold it for the customary twenty four hours. She said she would only hold it until the close of business. I couldn't make it to the store by then. So when I chatted with other ladies on Facebook about it they suggested I call Customer Relations. I hesitated since I really don't like dealing with conflict and complaining and it raises my blood pressure when people anger me. But I did it anyway because it was my favorite store and I was in shock that suddenly they weren't treating customers well. I called and the representative said she would call the store and have them hold it for me until the next day as I requested. When she returned from being on hold, she said they said they didn't have it. Whatever! I had clearly stated that it was ceramic and all the other descriptive words to make sure we were talking about the same item. So she called around and tried to locate it at another store. She could only find the mini one, but it was too long of a drive for me. She said if I called the store that they would ship it to me. Since I also wanted the Ceramic Pedestal Mini Candle Holder I went for it. I called and the order process was simple and easy and it arrived about four days later. It is SO cute, but it is very tiny and I really wish they had made the larger size available online. I'm disappointed that they are no longer making the 4.5 oz candles. The 1.3 oz ones are just too small for me to burn. I consider them tea light size and unless you are standing directly over it you can't smell it. With my survey coupon the 3-wick candles cost me $7.51 each and the stand cost $6.48. The Mini Ceramic Pedestal Candle Holder cost me $10.50 plus shipping of $6.
So on to my fourth recent haul which I made today. I purchased Cheers to Capri since I love lemon scents. Some of the previous candles I bought from the cities line were disappointing, but I decided to go ahead and give it a try with my $10 off $30 coupon. I'm burning it right now and it smells really good. It's more of a energy kind of scent whereas the London Calling lemon one is calming. I burned the Raspberry Peace Macaron earlier and it smells less sour than when it's not burning. It's nice but not something I will repurchase. I haven't burned the mini candles and will save at least one just for display purposes in the mini ceramic holder. With my survey coupon the 3-Wick Candles cost me only $7.56 and the mini candles were $2.30.
Well there you have it, my latest hauls from Bath & Body Works. I need to stay away, so very far away for awhile! If you are addicted to their candles as I am, comment below with a list of your favorites.
Since this is one of my favorite stores to shop at, I have many Bath & Body Works hauls featured on this blog. Check out my hauls:
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