Treasures of the Earth Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show - Raleigh, NC

North Carolina State Fairgrounds
 1025 Blue Ridge Blvd.
 Kerr Scott Building
 Raleigh, NC  27607

The Gem Show is going on right now at the North Carolina Fairgrounds in the Scott Building hosted by Treasure of the Earth. Saturday & Sunday the hours are 10 am to 5 pm and Monday they close one hour earlier. I expected more stones and less jewelry. There was a lot of jewelry to chose from and beads to make your own jewelry. We bought some stones from three vendors. The vendor on the far left in the rear is whom Hubby bought the amethyst geode shown above. Happy Birthday to me, it's my birthday present. Prior to that, we found lots of little goodies from a vendor in the last row on the far right. This is what I chose:

Citrine, Apophyllite, Calcite, Oco Geode & Specular Hematite

Citrine from Brazil for $3.00, Apophyllite, Stilbite from Maharashtra, India for $5.00, Calcite from Chihuahua, Mexico for $3.00, Oco Geode from the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil for $7.00 and Specular Hematite from Marquette, MI for $5.00. Hubby bought a guitar pick and a small amethyst geode. He says the sound is much better than a plastic pick. Below is a view of the show.

Interior View of Gem Show

I also admired the stone above since it was in the shape of an egg. There wasn't a price tag on this one, so I'm sure it was very pricey. There were several vendors that had large beautiful stones from $75 and up. I recommend this show for entertainment and shopping this weekend. Remember to print off a $1 coupon before you go. It costs $5 a person without a coupon. If you don't live in the Triangle, here's a list of upcoming shows at different locations:

Richmond, VA - September 13-15
Ocean City, MD - September 20-22
Virginia Beach, VA - October 11-13

Have a PEACEful Weekend!

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