Ma Movie Review - June 2019

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Octavia Spencer as Ma
Juliette Lewis
Diana Silvers
McKaley Miller

When I saw the trailer for the movie Ma, I put it at the top of my list. I'm a fan of Octavia, her acting is superb. I give this movie only three out of five stars due to the writing. It's about getting revenge on fellow high school students who are now grown up. Ma does it mostly through their children. While some of the scenes were entertaining, there just wasn't enough going on. The script wasn't very imaginative. I could have easily come up with many more scenes of revenge. Many scenes need to be sped up since it's really slow to start the horror part. It's listed as a thriller, horror flick, yet I only jumped once. The rest of the so-called horror scenes either made the audience laugh or cringe due to its creepiness. Some of it was predictable, so the twists weren't a surprise.  Most people probably dislike the ending. Check out the trailer:

I recommend waiting until it comes out on DVD and on demand if you are a fan of Octavia. If not a fan, skip it. Juliette Lewis has a small part in it, so it's not worth watching just because you're a fan. Hubby agreed with me, it was silly, creepy, so slow and the ending was a disaster. I think most people regret having spent more money to see it in the theatre. If you want to see a good movie done by this producer, rent Get Out. That was a much better thriller. What thrilling movies do you recommend?

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