Simple Canvas Prints Review

1st row Jack, Harvey & Bentley, center Leo & Teddy
 3rd row three photos of Jack

This is a review of a company called Simple Canvas Prints. They will convert your photo into a canvas print to hang on your wall. I received a coupon for 85% off so I compared prices with other companies and I found them to be the least expensive even less than Costco. I had put off purchasing any canvas prints for many years due to the expense so the super low price pushed me to purchase the first one finally. I went a little crazy as you can see above and yes our dogs are our fur children. All of these cost me only $103.78 including shipping and tax. That's only $12.97 each! Bargain! Here's a closer look at one of the prints featuring Leo as a puppy and Teddy at 2 years of age (photo is 9 years old), click on it for a better view:

Also, here's a close up that shows the texture of the canvas. One wouldn't look this close normally, so from a normal distance you don't notice the texture as much. This one is of Jack as a puppy sleeping in his bed (photo is one year old):

You can see the original Instagram photo of Jack to compare. My first order included four small 8" x 8" canvas prints of our Maltese named Jack for only $56.82 including shipping and tax. That's only $14.20 each. My second order was for one 8" x 8" of our Shih Tzu named Harvey for $12.99. My 3rd order was for one 8" x 8" of the newest Maltese member of our household named Bentley for $12.99. The 4th order was for my referral reward for two free 11" x 14" prints and after shipping that order came to $20.98. Those are above in the center and feature Maltese Leo as a puppy and Maltese Teddy. Those photos are nine years old and taken when cameras didn't have as many megapixels, so I was concerned they wouldn't be as clear as those taken recently. I'm happy to report the quality is excellent. Also, the photo of Harvey is 11 years old and the canvas is very clear with vivid colors.

Here's the process step by step:
  1. Choose which size you want.
  2. Upload the photo or select it from your Instagram account.
  3. Choose the width, I chose .75" deep. 
  4. Choose if you want the photo wrapped around the sides or a white or black border. I chose black since I used mostly Instagram photos with no space on the edges to wrap. 
  5. Center the photo how you would like it. 
  6. Chose a filter, I chose none. 
  7. Select which mounting hardware you want. 
  8. Have them touch up the photo for you or not, I did not. 
  9. Select checkout and add your shipping info. 
Shipping states 6-8 business days, but my three orders arrived in 4-5 days via UPS and USPS, so I don't recommend upgrading to faster shipping. 

They have a wonderful referral program, if you refer 1 friend they will send you an email for a free 8" x 8" print, if you refer 5 friends you'll get two free 11" x 14" prints. Yes, you will have to pay for shipping, but it's still a bargain you can't beat. They have a 100% love it guarantee. Have you purchased a canvas print before? If you have, I'd love to hear what your experience was like and what company you ordered it from. Comment below, please. I highly recommend you give this company a try. I'm trying to resist ordering more and that's not easy! If you want to order one for 85% off, kindly use my referral link so I can order more soon. They make awesome gifts!

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Have a PEACEful Day!


Nicole said...

Your dogs are absolutely adorable!! This is a great service!

Wendy Webster said...

Thank you, Nicole :)