QVC Insider Info & HSN Update for Monday, March 29th

Insider Members - the QVC April TSV list has been updated with 4 TSV Insider Previews and the May TSV list has been updated with 7 more brands. Plus, the 1st post with April Insider Info has been posted.

PS - due to lack of support, the QVC & HSN TSV lists I have been providing for 9 years will no longer be a service I offer as of April 1st, 2021.

HSN Today's Special - Amazon Two-Pack Fire TV Stick Media Streams with Voice Remotes & Vouchers, $55.99 or 5 payments of $11.20

HSN Today's Special Presale - Tan-Luxe The Radiance Edit Super Glow & The Body, $38.95

National Craft Month - Extra 20% Off Craft Clearance 

TVs - Free Shipping + sale

HSN $15 Off 1st purchase

Bargain Alert:

Daily Harvest – $25 off 

Hello Fresh â€“ $40 off

Home Chef â€“ $35 off

Oat Box – $10 off

Revive Organics – 50% off

Join the Peace Manor Insider Club

Have a PEACEful Day!


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