Peace Manor's Dancing Bears

Check out our dogs dancing for treats!

Our dogs love to dance on their two hind legs for dog cookies and treats.  It's quite simple to train your dog to do. Just hold the treat above them and most dogs will try to reach for it.  Over time most will be able to jump on their hind legs, walk forward and some will be able to walk backwards and in a circle.  Teddy, our Maltese is best at it.  He can walk forward and back and around in circles.  In another video you can see him demonstrate all of those.  What have you taught your dog?  

Treats featured in the video are Primal Pet's freeze dried turkey liver treats that my dogs received in their August 2013 BarkBox.  I have over ten healthy dog cookie recipes I came up with featured on this blog.  Check out my Dog Cookie Recipe Pinterest Board to see them all.  When you see one you like, click on the photo and it will take you to the recipe. 

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Have a PEACEful Day!

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