My Favorite YouTube Channels for 2018

Leigh Ann Vlogs

I thought I'd share some of my favorite YouTube channels which happen to also be vloggers. They offer a lot of travel vlogs which are my favorite type of vlogs.

The first one up is Leigh Ann from Houston, Texas. Whenever I receive an email notice that her weekly vlog is up on Tuesdays I click on the link and watch it as soon as I can. I've been watching her since she lived in an apartment alone. She then bought her first house, a townhouse and we watched her date and learn to cook which is always amusing. We also watched her Mom cook amazing mouthwatering meals. We also watched her sisters' weddings. Then we watched her adopt an adorable dog, Luna and get engaged to Grant. Of course, Luna had to approve of Grant, which she did, she's in love too. We watched her struggle with a long distance relationship with Grant for a year and her travels to Los Angeles to visit. Before he moved to LA, they drove from Texas to LA, one of my favorite series of videos, one is featured above. Grant & Leigh Ann were married in July of this year and we just watched her honeymoon videos. Now she's on the move from Houston to Dallas and we're anxious to see the house they chose to rent. Where will her life adventure take us next? 

Second up is Anna Saccone and Jonathan Joly, a married couple with four children and six Maltese dogs who moved from Ireland to outside of London, England. I've been watching them since before the birth of their first child, Emelia. They are millionaires due to blogging daily for years now and having almost two million subscribers. It's quite an amazing feat to vlog every single day for so many years. My favorite videos are of those in Italy on their yearly Italian vacation. They just bought their first house and we are watching them renovate it prior to moving in. Also, Anna just gave birth to her fourth child, Andrea, which is the video I'm featuring above. Now they have two girls and two boys and they aren't planning on number five. We'll have to watch Anna struggle with not getting pregnant again since she really enjoys pregnancy. Where will they travel next and what adventures will their children take them on? 

It's Judy's Life

The third one I'm featuring is Judy who is also a daily blogger, though they have recently started taking a day or two off each week. She features vlogs with her husband, Benji and her three daughters two of which are twins. I really enjoy their vlogs in Hawaii, the Philippines, and Japan so I am featuring one of the Japan videos above. Judy has relatives in the Philippines and Benji has relatives in Japan, so they visit there quite often. Impressively every December they go live on YouTube for 24 hours dancing for a charity called Dancember. They are now building their second home so subscribers are anxious to see this adventure unfold along with the possibility of another pregnancy. We shall see what the future holds for them.

Christine Kobzeff

The fourth one is a married vlogger named Christine who moved to Hawaii as a teenager all by herself with a few dollars and a few clothes. She proudly made a life for herself and later married. They lived in Hawaii for many years and recently moved back to the mainland and they chose Arizona. They decided Hawaii was just too expensive. Search her Hawaii vlogs, there are some wonderful adventures that she takes us on. Hawaii is so beautiful! She also features videos about her journey to go cruelty-free which is challenging since her channel started out as a beauty channel. She now lives a vegan lifestyle and she offers videos on what she eats and where she shops for vegan products and foods. I've watched her for years, I recommend her travel vlogs the most, the ones in Asia, Hawaii, and Arizona are very entertaining. I've featured her latest travel vlog in Sedona, Arizona, but I highly recommend you check out her Asian adventure afterward. After downsizing and saving for years they travel on a very tight budget to Southeast Asia and it was an amazing adventure! Where will life take this couple next?

So there you have it, my top four favorite YouTubers. Which channels do you watch the most? I'd love to hear some suggestions, so please comment below your favorites. Do you find you watch more YouTube than television these days? These vloggers certainly offer the ultimate reality tv!

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