Big Brother 14 Update

POV Winner:


Replacement Nominee:


On the Block:

Danielle & Jenn

Evicted Soon, Going to Jury:


Since Frank left, I haven't been motivated to update.  I've been watching the feeds just enough to learn what's going on, yet it's still so boring.  If Shane had not won POV there was a chance he would have gone home, Dan was trying to "mist" Dani into it.  If she had not voted Shane out, Ian would have finished him off.  That would at least have been more exciting than Dani going up in replacement of Shane, the POV winner.   Dani has the support of Dan, Jenn & Shane!  Wow!  So needless to say Jenn is a goner and is leaving tomorrow.  Yep, they will have eviction tomorrow, shown on CBS Wednesday.  The feeds will be shut off late Tuesday till the Wednesday show which will show previously taped footage of Jenn leaving to jury.  Those left in the house will be:  Ian, Dani, Dan and Shane.  It seems they will target Ian next, they think sympathy votes from the jury will make Ian the winner, if they are sitting next to him in the final two.   Ian spends 95% of the day rocking either on the hammock or any chair he sits on:

So Ian obviously has some kind of mental illness and should have never been put in the house!  Ian has a final two deal with Dan, so does Dani.  I'm amazed that none of them think they need to get Dan out to win.  If Dani, Ian & Shane lose the game to Dan, they have only themselves to blame.  It will be interesting to see who in the "quack pack" turns on who, so we wait with anticipation.  This is one of the most boring seasons of Big Brother.

Shane won POV plus a luxury, which they didn't tell him what it was till later.  Shane had to pick who would go with him and he chose Dani.  Yesterday Shane & Dani left the house via limo for an Olympic show at some stadium SE of LA.  Their guess was that they would be sitting next to celerities in an award show.  Not being fans of Shana (Joe renamed Shane) and Dani, I was happy to see that they were disappointed.  Dani after having a luxury reward returned to the house playing the sympathy card and claimed to be having some kind of anxiety attack after going from a stadium of  over 5,000 people back to the Big Brother "Jail".  Shane tried to push the white wine on Dani, so as to not hear this complaint anymore!

Info recently revealed by house guests - Danielle told Frank she was anorexic three years ago.  My guess is it was bulimia based on watching her binge recently on the feeds.  Anyone who shoves bread in huge pieces in their mouth with nothing on it has food issues. Not to mention the other food she shoved down her throat when no one was around prior and she's not addicted to working out.  Danielle also told Dan she has breast implants and will have to have surgery soon to remove cyst scars caused by these implants (which she also showed to Brit during their shower when shackled). But she says she is telling him not for sympathy.  She also revealed she has an alcoholic father who was physically and emotionally abusive.    Don't forget she has kidney issues and can't drink dark colored drinks.  Also, we need to feel sorry for Dani because she has IBS.  Ok, Danielle time to shut up and stop the line up of so many feel sorry for me issues!  Guess they are buying it, cause she is still there!  I'm sure some of it is true, but when she gets out of Big Brother she will be shocked she's not America's Favorite.   She will be in serious need of help when she gets out, she is seriously delusional.

And what is up with Shane and his beanie baby:

He sleeps with it on his belly, he puts it on his shoulder when he talks to people and as featured above when he's talking on the beds.

More exciting stuff for your entertainment: 

Evicted House Guests on the Internet:

Joe - on YouTube, aspiring chef show. (I personally think he is trying to copy Guy on the Food Network)
Frank - website, authentic?
Britney - on Twitter
Ashley - aspring model & actress, her channel "Ashley Iocco" was removed.  Crazy!  Publicity lost! 
Wil - on YouTube
Janelle - on Twitter

Evicted House Guests Interviews with Jeff:

Jeff & Jordan Do America - Trip from Chicago to CA via Route 66:

Episode 1 - click on upper right hand corner for next episode

The Best Big Brother Competition Ever:

Danielle, Evil Dick & Jach - over 7 1/2 hours!  I really miss these kind of competitions, this is what made Big Brother exciting!

Fourteen seasons of Big Brother, amazing!  But (I say that with the twang Frank uses), if CBS continues this series, they really need to go back to the original idea of normal ordinary people, not people with agents and not returning house guests!

Have a PEACEful Day!

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